Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Gig review:Emli Sandé at King Tuts

On Monday night I went to see Emeli Sandé perform at King Tuts Wah Wah Hut in Glasgow. Those of you who know me will be aware that have I been obsessing over Emeli's talent since I stumbled across her myspace page a couple of years ago.

Finally I was going to see her live and its safe to say my expectations were pretty high.

We arrived bright and early at 8pm expecting a prompt start. Bad move, as it turned out she wouldn't be on stage until 10.30 pm – on a school night? I began hyperventilating at the thought of not getting my eight hours.

Almost three hours and several bottles of beer later, Ms Sandé finally took to the stage. Opening with the infectious and slightly aggressive 'Kill the Boy', she captured the crowd instantly. My heavy eyes perked up and I was ready to enjoy the show.

With a voice as powerful as some the greatest divas of our time, I found myself in awe of her talent. At only 23 she has the composure and vocal ability that would put seasoned veterans to the test.

She sings with so much conviction that you believe every word. When she asks to 'stop the clock' in a song that takes issue with the lack of time the modern woman has to spend with her significant other, you begin wishing for time to come to a standstill. Or when she sounds deflated because 'her babys got a suitcase' and is leaving, you too feel sad that it has come to this. Each of her songs tell a different story and for three of four minutes you become immersed in those stories.

Closing with what is rumoured to be her first single 'Daddy', the crowd become excited and begin to sing along. She thanks the crowd and exits the stage to a rapturous applause and some rogue hecklers requesting songs that she didn't perform.

After chants of 'one more tune' from the crowd, the surprisingly timid seeming Sandé, returned to the stage with her keyboard player to perform 'clown' as the encore. And it was during this performance that she cemented herself in what I like to call, my musical heart. Stripped back vocals and no special sound effects (like the voice-echo effects she had been using throughout the show), the performance was simply stunning. Powerful vocals counter balanced with the soft vulnerability of the song, this was definitely worth keeping me out late on a school night.

With her soulful charm, well written songs and ability to capture the audience, this diva certainly has the whole package.

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